A Place for Healing
Professional Massage Therapy by Lavonne Bailey

Schedule Online

  • Treatments may be covered by extended health care plans. I understand that it is my responsibility to confirm the exact details of my coverage. In the event that my insurance does not cover my treatment, I agree to pay for the entirety of the treatment at my own expense.
  • Same day cancellation: I understand that if I cancel my appointment within 24 hours or less notice, my card on file will becharged for 50% of the missed appointment. No-call no-show clients will be charged 100% of the missed appointment,and/or termination of client/provider relationship.
  • Late Policy: I understand it is my responsibility to show up on time, and I will call/text/or email to notify if I am running late. The provider is not obligated to extend treatment time because of my tardiness. 
  • Co-pays and Deductibles:  All co-payments and past due balances are due at time of check-in. We accept cash, check, MasterCard or Visa.   Please understand that we cannot waive deductibles, coinsurances or copays that are required by your insurance. This is a violation of our contracts with the insurance plans. If you are unable to pay your co-pay, your appointment will be rescheduled.  
  • Insurance Claims:  Charges incurred for services rendered are the patient’s responsibility regardless of insurance coverage. Your insurance coverage is a contract between you and your insurance company, not your insurance company and us. We will file your primary and secondary insurances as a courtesy. Please realize that having secondary insurance does not necessarily mean that your services are covered 100%. 
  • Patient Balances and Statements:  Statements are sent out monthly, and we ask that balances due be paid when you receive your statement or at your next appointment, whichever is sooner. Balances not paid within 90 days will be turned over to an outside collection agency, unless prior payment arrangements have been made. 

To quickly and easily book online, please click the link below: